Why Should You Join the Debt Collection Training Programme ?

Companies consider their growth and development with a focus on sales. However, if the post-sales collection does not occur, the sales will lose its quality.  And sustainability cannot be achieved. The debt collection training programme  plays an important role for fiscal sustainability. In addition, if the collection of the sales is not realized on time, the risk of losing the value of the receivable is increasing significantly.

There are many factors such as disruption in the workflow within the company, fluctuations in the exchange rate. Also failure to ensure that the other party gives priority to payment. These factors cause delayed receivables including international companies.For this reason, payment behavior in commercial relations is one of the most important factors.  It must be gained in order to prevent the formation of creditor-debtor status between the two parties. At this point,  the debt collection training programme comes to the fore in order to gain payment behavior.


Who Should Get Debt Collection Training?

Debt collectability starts from the moment of sale. It is important to structure the sales and marketing processes together with the collection processes. Therefore, every department has the slightest touch from the sale until the collection takes place. They should receive debt collection training. Dominance will increase in the process within the company.  And it will also help you to know the counter party. The measures and directions taken will also prevent the counterparty.

In this way, collections will be realized on time.  And a serious increase in the speed of cash flow will be observed. People may think ‘only those who suffer from collecting their debts, are comming to this training’ this thought is correct. But it can be misleading at some point. Because  the debt collection training should be taken in order to prevent the receivable from arising. Besides all these, in order to create awareness to make an organizational reformation within a company this training is highly useful.

the Debt Collection Training Programme

ARS Consultancy and Debt Collection Trainings

Through our International network, we provide debt collection services in 155 countries.  Our representatives are local experts  with vast experience in each market.  ARS  Consultancy is Turkey’s first firm specializing in International Receivables Management.

In this point, participants in our collection trainings; They have the privilege to getting Debt Collection Training by a Debt Collection Office specialized in receivable management.

The purpose of the debt collection training;  to teach the effective collection techniques and applications required for the solution of the increasing collection problems, to speed up the collections without loss of customers and to increase the personal negotiation skills required for receivable management.

Our founder Mrs. Ayşe Burcu Arslan has been sharing her experiences about debt collection since 2008. She mentioned in the in the during live broadcast in BloombergHT “We mostly do not think in detail about the concepts such as ‘indebtedness’ or ‘payment behavior’ However that’s exactly what I do during my collection trainings since 2011. Whole day we thoroughly talk about these underestimated concepts and more.”

And she added “It’s all about how we ‘prioritize’ our payments. Prioritization of payments is defined by our payment motivations and ‘outcomes of non-payment’ ”

With our open class or corporate debt collection trainings, be aware of common misconceptions in the debt collection process!


Senem Akgültan

Debt Collection and Risk Management Exp. Asst. | ARS Consultancy

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