Risk Management Services in Turkey

In this article we will discuss risk management  services in Turkey. World trade has come a long way from the silk road based international trade. In those times, doing business internationally was incredibly laborious and time consuming. That is why there were not too many merchants doing business internationally.  But the ones who did were relatively reliable and respected. Therefore, they were not expected to trick businessman around the world.

The World suddenly evolved to a global market in the last few decades. So all the risks raised concurrently with it. Growth might look like as an improvement.  But in terms of business, it can be considered as ‘risk in growth’ also. This inevitable growth is being multiplied almost every year.  In terms of people involving to this system. Human made international preventive systems starts to be insufficient.

There is where our ‘Risk Management Services’ step in. Our clients worldwide benefit from reducing their risks. So we make investigations about their potential customers in Turkey. You may also save your company from a massive strike. You can do international trade with Turkish exporters or importers.


What are the Most Common Risk Management Services Our Clients Need in Turkey?

  1. Skiptracing about Turkish Individuals
  2. Address Research of a Turkish Citizen
  3. Media Check about a Turkish Person or a Turkish Company
  4. Business Report about Turkish Company

In addition to these investigation services, we also perform the following background checks in Turkey.  If you need due diligence;

  1. Credit Cheque Report
  2. Education Verification
  3. Liquidation Check
  4. Criminal Check
  5. Asset Check
  6. Employment Verification

Of course, not all of these investigations and information are public. Therefore we have solution partners in Turkey.  They are private investigators and lawyers who perform these investigations.


ARS Consultancy, as the pioneer and leading debt collection agency in Turkey, helps their clients worldwide since 2011 to collect their money from Turkish companies or people ‘before legal action’. Inevitably, same clients had been in need of reducing their risks for their future trade in Turkey and we started include ‘Risk Management in Turkey’ among our services.

As we are inside network and information age thanks to computers, almost anyone can find numerous buyers and sellers for their products. You can easily buy a serious amount of goods without even meeting the seller nowadays. That looks like extremely time saving and effective way of trading in comparison to the old system, right? Well, yes it is, but it comes with a price which is called ‘RISKS’.

World is a massive place with numerous different cultures and economic vision. You will probably never have a chance to know all of these various systems. Knowing the countries you are planning to do business might be crucial. That’s why we offer all kinds of Risk Management Services in Turkey.



Risk is defined as a potential harm from present process to future events. Risk Management Services are the measures to prevent these potential harms. It can be visualized as a Report which provide a detailed information of a company or person.

Please contact us by email (


) to ask anything about our Risk Management Services in Turkey such as details, fees, TAT (Turn Around Time), and samples. We are ready to assist anytime and always remember that lowering the risks is the most efficient investment you can make after your actual investment.



Co-Director – International Relations | ARS CONSULTANCY

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