Healthcare Debt Recovery Services in Turkey

Let’s make a statement about healthcare debt recovery services in Turkey according to the latest developments. We are living in an exceptional time because of the COVID-19 virus. Also it is spreading all around the world. Hence we wish to you all to be safe.  And you should stay at home.

Almost all of the world is depending on the healthcare workers now.  So this situation made the world realize their importance in our life. Therefore, we thought that we should call attention to the healthcare industry.

The modern healthcare industry has 3 essential divisions. They are  services, products and finance. Healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industry in the world. It uses averagely %10 of most countries GDP. As ARS Consultancy, we are healthcare debt recovery services in Turkey. We aim to manage their International debt collections on pre-legal phase for years. Also we have been able to collect some data. These data may be important for the industry to follow.


The Formation of Healthcare Debt Recovery Services in Turkey

Below you can find some reasons for the formation of debts according to our experience,

  • International patient’s unpaid invoices relying on living abroad.
  • International companies’ personnel’s unpaid invoices for various reasons.
  • International forwarder’s unpaid invoices.
  • Serving patients coming from specific countries. So the world struggles to receive payment because of political reasons.
  • Unconfirmed contact details of the patients which later found to be inoperative.
  • Insurance companies’ misleading information given to the patients about the repayment for the healthcare provider.

ARS Consultancy is aiming for collecting international receivables for the industry. Because they are struggling with COVID-19. Our philosophy on collecting debts can be defined as No Recovery, No Fee. It means we will not charge the industry unless we collect their receivables. Also we have been well experienced on the debtor profile on the healthcare industry.  We are capable of reaching 155 countries all around the world.

Pre-legal solutions for the international receivables for this industry are the most common practices within the Debt Collection Agencies. This leads for many advantages for the creditors such as; Time, Cost, Efficiency.

Risk Management Services

As the coronavirus hit the world all of a sudden, the healthcare product industry has seen this as an opportunity and they have been overproducing some products for the market. This might lead to a huge increase international debt in mid-term after the world reaches the saturation point or when the COVID-19 is cured. We would strongly suggest that industry to take any necessary precautions before and consider Risk Management Services extensively from the Collection Agencies in order to investigate and evaluate your ongoing trade.

Please feel free to contact our experts for healthcare debt recovery services in Turkey.  We will be more than glad to lead you to the right direction in this time. In the meanwhile, please stay at home and wash your hands regularly.


Co-Director – International Relations | ARS Consultancy

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